0xb0tm4n's website

[Pwn] aarchibald | hackropole


[*] '/home/botman/Documents/cybersec/CTF/solo/hackropole/pwn/aarchibald/aarchibald'
    Arch:     aarch64-64-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX enabled
    PIE:      PIE enabled


Firstly we're gonna open our binary into a decompiler and we can directly see that there is a loop which will XOR our input with 0x32 value and then compare the 13 first bytes of the result with another value at the address 0xc30 xor + strcmp

So we're gonna see what's hidden at this address and we find this

xored password

Ok, cool we have the password XORed and the key so we juste have to decrypt it


So we have the password we're left with one step wich is to pass the last check before our shell


We see that there is only one variable on the stack which contains a value and to get our chall we have to overwrite it with another value, it's a basic buffer oveflow, so we just have to add a lot of A on the end of our password and tadaaa


Full exploit

from pwn import *

def exploit(io, elf, libc=None):
    io.sendlineafter(':\n', payload)

download here

written by 0xB0tm4n